Autumn Lamb Stew

I had a version of this back when I first moved back to the Pacific Northwest (my home!) from where I had been living in the San Francisco Bay Area. The Bay Area is lovely, but it just ain’t me, you know? Sometime during my first week back, I found myself...

Roasted Butternut Squash Soup

IT’S DECORATIVE GOURD TIME, MOTHERFUCKERS! It’s also time for soup. Warm, tasty, nourishing soup. It’s Autumn (Fall, for you folks who hate syllables), and this year, Autumn feels like it skipped right to Winter, it’s a trip. And it’s...

Truffled Mushroom Fettuccine

Sometimes I whip something tasty up in the kitchen, and it’s a simple matter of “oh, I have these things, this makes sense, I’m gonna make a thing.” Especially if I have a craving for a certain “flavor profile” but not a concrete...